Parent Resources

Parenting with Love and Logic

Parenting with Love and Logic

This evidence-based program, taught by Wendy Petricoff, owner of Charlotte Parenting Solutions, offers practical tools and scripts to help build healthy parent/child relationships and lovingly guide children to become responsible, mostly-fun-to-be-around members of...

Table Talks Podcast

Table Talks Podcast

Table Talks is a great opportunity for families to dig into questions about faith together. In each episode, Lindsay Masi and Maggie Baker will introduce a new topic or Bible story and pose relevant and thought-provoking questions. We invite families to listen and...

Want to start the conversation about race with your children?

Want to start the conversation about race with your children?

Begin by reading books written by African-American authors. Check out these links for suggestions: 20 Black Children’s Books by Black AuthorsThe Conscious Kid: Children’s Books to Support Conversations on Race, Racism, and ResistanceThis list from Black Children’s...