Our Staff

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Agatha Belvin
Business Administrator belvina@christchurchcharlotte.org

Ainslie Wall
Receptionist / Administrative Assistant for Parish Life walla@christchurchcharlotte.org
Ainslie Wall

Alex Bacon, MSW, LCSW
Therapist & Wellbeing Educator bacona@christchurchcharlotte.org
Alex Bacon, MSW, LCSW

Alice deVries
Assistant Director of Youth Ministry – High School devriesa@christchurchcharlotte.org
Alice deVries

Allen Pruitt
Associate Rector for Adult Spiritual Formation pruitta@christchurchcharlotte.org
Allen Pruitt
Prior to joining us, Allen served for 11 years as rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in LaGrange, Georgia. Along with that parish work, he served as a convocational dean, on the Commission on Ministry for the Diocese of Atlanta, and on the faculty for “Learning to Lead,” the diocesan class for clergy in new positions. Teaching, vocational discernment, and learning alongside others are important to his work.
Writing is a passion of Allen's, whether for sermons, articles, or the short novel he's been trying to finish for a few years. He also loves listening to all kinds of music, and like just about everyone on the planet, "Ted Lasso" has become a favorite show. He is a big fan of Liverpool Football Club in the English Premier League and is excited about Charlotte's very own MLS team! Allen and his wife, Casey, have two girls, Abby Grace (16) and Ila (12). As a family they love to travel, and have enjoyed trips to Italy, Ukraine, the Grand Canyon, Northern California, and England. Casey and Allen both like to cook, but perhaps most enjoy hiking and sitting by our favorite north Georgia creek.

Amy Martin
Director of Annual Giving martina@christchurchcharlotte.org

Amy Styers Bissette, MSW, LCSW
Therapist & Wellbeing Educator bissettea@christchurchcharlotte.org
Amy Styers Bissette, MSW, LCSW

Andrea Sturdivant
Audio-Visual Production Team
Andrea Sturdivant

Andrea Wimberley
Chef / Director of Food Services wimberleya@christchurchcharlotte.org

Ashley Robinson
Administrative Assistant for Children & Family Ministry robinsona@christchurchcharlotte.org
Ashley Robinson

Ben Outen
Director of Music and Organist outenb@christchurchcharlotte.org
Ben Outen
After graduating from Yale and Furman Universities with degrees in organ performance and music theory, Ben came to North Carolina to serve as Organist and Choirmaster at First Presbyterian Church in Belmont. In 1992, he became Director of Music and Organist at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church where he was the Founding Director of The Choir School at St. Peter’s. Ben has toured England, France, and the U.S. extensively with his choirs and as an organist. While at St. Peter’s he led the church through the design and acquisition of a new organ, C.B. Fisk, Opus 136. He has served on the Board of Directors and led summer training courses for the Royal School of Church Music in America. In 2017 he became Director of Music and Organist at Christ Church where he works with a strong staff leading choirs of professional and volunteer singers, growing children’s choirs and supporting the contemporary music program to provide a broad range of music for worship.

Charles Milling
Director of Contemporary and Family Worship millingc@christchurchcharlotte.org
Charles Milling
A passionate and joyful worship leader with a tireless desire to make every service special, Charles brings his 35-plus years of versatility as arranger, multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, producer, songwriter, and performer to each service. Having earned his associate in arts degree at NYU and Bachelor of Music (summa cum laude) in Jazz Performance at Berklee College of Music, Charles is the founder and creative director of the national music ministry, Live Hymnal, for which he is currently producing a fourth album and resource book. He has released one self-titled album, a single, and has produced albums for Fran McKendree, Kanuga and other artists. He also worked as assistant producer on two Disney collections. Prior to joining us in 2021, Charles served as Director of Contemporary and Youth Music for 17 years at his former parish, Saint Joseph’s in Boynton Beach, Florida. He currently enjoys side gigs directing music for national Episcopal revivals, occasional conferences, diocesan conventions, camps, and concerts. His love and commitment of combining traditional and contemporary hymns for band and congregation shows in every service. Charles is married to Julie, and they have one son, Ellis.

Chip Edens
A native of Virginia, Chip grew up in Richmond and spent his summers on the Chesapeake Bay. He attended Hampden-Sydney College and Yale Divinity School. Chip has served parishes in Virginia, Connecticut, Georgia, and Texas. Chip is married to Beverly and they have three children. He enjoys fly-fishing, golf, and tennis.

Connor Gwin
Associate Rector for Spiritual Wellbeing and Care gwinc@christchurchcharlotte.org
Connor Gwin
Raised on the Gulf Coast of Alabama, Connor discerned a call to the priesthood while in college and attended seminary upon graduation. He has previously served as a school chaplain and was on a Diocesan staff. Connor holds certifications in Plant-Based Nutrition, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens (MBSR-T), and Contemplative Group and Retreat Leadership. Connor is a poet and writer whose work has been published in a variety of publications including The Mockingbird.
He is an Associate of the Order of the Holy Cross, an Anglican, Benedictine monastic community in West Park, New York. He connects with God primarily in silence, the beauty of nature, and stories of grace. Connor makes a home with his wife, three children, and rescue dog, Bear.

Duwayne Lee
Facilities Technician leed@christchurchcharlotte.org

Elizabeth Angerson
Program Coordinator, Center for Wellbeing and Care angersone@christchurchcharlotte.org
Elizabeth Angerson

Elizabeth Ignasher
Director of Communications ignashere@christchurchcharlotte.org

Elizabeth Walker
Associate Rector for Young Adults & Families walkere@christchurchcharlotte.org
Elizabeth Walker
Originally from Norfolk, Elizabeth moved to Seattle after graduating from the University of Virginia. In the Pacific Northwest, Elizabeth was a middle school teacher, the Director of Christian Formation at Epiphany Parish, and an active co-op preschool parent and community member. Along with her husband Dave and their three children, she returned to the east coast in 2020 to attend The Virginia Theological Seminary. Christ Church is her first call to ordained ministry. Elizabeth's passion is relationships and pastoral care. She can be found sharing meals, on the soccer sidelines, and wherever she can traverse the highs and lows of life together with others.

Emily Parker
Emily was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina on January 4, 2020. She is a native Charlottean and has been a lifelong member of Holy Comforter Episcopal Church. During the work week, Emily is the Executive Director of Galilee Ministries of East Charlotte, which works with other community partners to offer hope for a new and better life through education, food resources, new skills and empowerment. Emily completed her undergraduate degree at UNC Asheville and her graduate degree at UNC Charlotte. Emily enjoys photography, backyard bird watching, traveling, reading, and spending time with family and friends.

Emily Skinner
Administrative Assistant for Worship & Liturgy skinnere@christchurchcharlotte.org
Emily Skinner

Fred Paschall

Gail Landers
GoodNews Shop Manager gns@christchurchcharlotte.org

Genie Richards
Administrative Assistant for Youth & Young Adults richardsg@christchurchcharlotte.org
Genie Richards

Hunter Ives
Audio/Video Production Director ivesh@christchurchcharlotte.org

Jane Siemens
Communications Designer siemensj@christchurchcharlotte.org

Jason Scofield
Director of Facilities scofieldj@christchurchcharlotte.org

Jennifer Hamm
Assistant to the Rector & Spiritual Wellbeing and Care hammj@christchurchcharlotte.org
Jennifer Hamm

Jennifer Stewart
Business Manager stewartj@christchurchcharlotte.org

Joan Kilian
Associate Rector for Outreach and Mission kilianj@christchurchcharlotte.org
Joan Kilian
Joan received her Masters of Divinity degree from the University of the South School of Theology at Sewanee. She has extensive experience in parish ministry, previously serving as the Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Statesboro, Georgia. Prior to becoming a priest, Joan served in the United States Navy and Navy Reserve. She retired at the rank of Commander after 20 years of service.
In addition to her strong passion for outreach, Joan likes being outdoors while hiking, gardening, and participating in community service. She also enjoys traveling, cooking, reading, and spending time with her two cats.

Joshua Case
Vicar for Formation and Worship casej@christchurchcharlotte.org
Joshua Case
A native of Alabama, Joshua grew up in Tuscaloosa, where he attended the University of Alabama. Joshua spent six years living and working with students in the international schools and faith communities of Geneva Switzerland in the early 2000's. Before moving to Charlotte, Joshua lived in Atlanta Georgia where he attended Emory University, was ordained to the priesthood, and served as an associate for five years at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal Church.
Joshua is married to Laura and they have two children who keep them on their toes. Joshua is an avid golfer, micro-blogger, and aspiring plotter of goodness.

Katherine Vest
Director of Engagement vestk@christchurchcharlotte.org

Kathryn Saunders
Director of Newcomers and Parish Life saundersk@christchurchcharlotte.org
Kathryn Saunders

Katie Lehman
Associate Director of Music lehmank@christchurchcharlotte.org
Katie Lehman
Katie received her Bachelor of Music in Music Education from the University of Mississippi and a Master of Music in Music Education from the University of Florida. In 2014, she received a Fulbright U.S. Student Program research grant to study at the Zoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute of the Liszt Academy of Music in Kecskemét, Hungary, earning a Diploma from the Institute, and earned her American Kodály certificate from the Kodály Institute at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She has served as the Lower School Music Specialist at National Presbyterian School in Washington, DC and at Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma, Washington. Katie spends her summers on faculty at the Carolina Kodály Institute, where she teaches solfège and musicianship, folk music analysis, and conducts the Institute choir. She has served as a guest clinician and workshop presenter in the Southeast and is an adjunct professor of music at Lenoir Rhyne University in Hickory. Katie resides in Charlotte with her husband Jonathan, son Austin, and two cats, Pop and Crackle.

Kay Sowers
GoodNews Shop Bookkeeper sowersk@christchurchcharlotte.org

Kelly Coley
CCK Coordinator of Engagement and Enhancement coleyk@christchurchcharlotte.org
Kelly Coley

Kevin Sharpe

LaQuita Lindsay
Assistant Director of Children & Family Ministry lindsayl@christchurchcharlotte.org
LaQuita Lindsay

Laura Konitzer
Director of Outreach and Mission konitzerl@christchurchcharlotte.org

Lauren Tomme
Associate Musician for Children tommel@christchurchcharlotte.org
Lauren Tomme
Lauren completed her Bachelor of Music in Music Education at Florida State University in 2015 and graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2019 with her Master of Music in Opera Theater. During her time at Florida State and The University of South Carolina, she was involved in opera programs, performing lead roles. Lauren began teaching elementary music and voice in the fall of 2015 in Orlando, FL. In addition to her classroom teaching experience, she has also received training in vocal pedagogy and performance at Florida State University and the University of South Carolina. Lauren holds her Level I Orff Certification from The University of Central Florida and her North Carolina Teaching Certificate in K-12 music and currently resides in Davidson, NC, where she teaches general music at Cornelius Elementary.

Lexie Trader
Communications Content Coordinator traderl@christchurchcharlotte.org

Mary Caroline Lee
CCK Assistant Head of School leemc@christchurchcharlotte.org

Meredith Sorrell
CCK Head of School sorrellm@christchurchcharlotte.org

Natalie Akin
Director of Generosity and Stewardship akinn@christchurchcharlotte.org

Owen Peck
Assistant Director of Music and Organist pecko@christchurchcharlotte.org
Owen Peck
Owen brings a multi-faceted background as an organist, conductor, singer, and composer to his vocation as a church musician. Before joining the staff at Christ Church, he studied at the University of Notre Dame, where he earned a Master of Sacred Music degree with a concentration in choral conducting. While at Notre Dame, he served in conducting roles with numerous organizations, including the Notre Dame Children's Choir, Notre Dame Handbell Choir, Sacred Music Recital Choir, and others. He also served as Organist and Assistant Director of Music at St. Peter's United Church of Christ, South Bend, IN. Owen earned his undergraduate degree in 2022 from the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA, with majors in both music and government. There, he served as assistant conductor and accompanist of the William & Mary Choir, conducted the Christopher Wren Singers chamber a cappella group, and studied organ with Thomas Marshall. He was also a baritone staff singer and organ scholar at Williamsburg Presbyterian Church. Owen's compositions and arrangements, including a well-received cycle of three choral songs setting French poetry, have been performed and recorded by the William & Mary Choir and other ensembles. Owen is originally from Richmond, VA where he grew up in the Episcopal Church.

Paulette Wilkes
Project Coordinator/Administrative Assistant for Stewardship wilkesp@christchurchcharlotte.org
Paulette Wilkes

Rick Fitts

Rosalyn Lackey
Administrative Assistant for Adult Spiritual Formation lackeyr@christchurchcharlotte.org
Rosalyn Lackey

Sandy Dyer
Financial Assistant dyers@christchurchcharlotte.org

Sarah Ford
Director of Children & Family Ministry fords@christchurchcharlotte.org

Savannah Jane Williams
Director of Youth & Family Ministry williamss@christchurchcharlotte.org
Savannah Jane Williams

Scharn Chisholm
Kitchen Assistant chisholms@christchurchcharlotte.org

Scottie Stamper
Director of Adult Spiritual Formation stampers@christchurchcharlotte.org
Scottie Stamper

Wendy Mauney
Chief Operating Officer mauneyw@christchurchcharlotte.org