Christ Church Preschool & Kindergarten
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Kindergarten Program
CCK’s Kindergarten program utilizes the Lippincott curriculum to instill phonics, language arts, reading readiness, and writing skills. The Kindergarten math curriculum uses a combination of several methods to teach the skills necessary for math success in elementary school. Kindergarten teachers utilize the Envision Math curriculum, along with hands-on work with manipulatives and direct instruction to teach math skills. Activities include Circle Time, independent work, center play, games and puzzles. Gross motor development continues each day through daily recess, and children participate in yoga once a month. The goal of our Kindergarten program is to prepare students for the next step in their educational career. CCK teaches a comprehensive curriculum and uses differentiated instruction to prepare students to advance to Kindergarten or First Grade in both the public and independent school systems. Classroom time is enhanced through a variety of field trips and speakers, as well as Special Area classes: Music, Christian Education, Learning Center, Science Lab, Chapel, My Gym and Creative Movement.
Teacher/Student Ratio 2:14

Developmental Goals for Kindergarten
To promote Christian values by encouraging sharing, confidence, independence, and kindness.
To surround children in a happy, loving and nurturing learning environment.
To promote Self-Help/Independent Behaviors:
- Washes hands independently
- Unpacks and packs up lunch items independently
- Drinks from a cup independently
- Cleans up area after lunch and center time
- Helps to put classroom materials away in the correct location
- Manages and takes care of learning materials
- Recognizes own belongings and takes care of them
- Able to manage bathroom needs independently
- Follows morning and afternoon routines for unpacking and packing up
- Focuses on a task to completion
- Follows multi-step directions to complete tasks in the classroom
- Accepts adult guidance and modifies behavior accordingly
- Uses conflict-resolution strategies, as needed, when interacting with others
To promote Social/Emotional & Language Development:
- Develops sense of self-confidence and feeling of success
- Accepts challenges willingly and tries new things
- Demonstrates self-control, independence, and responsibility with self-help skills and daily routines
- Transitions from one activity to another
- Completes teacher-directed activities with minimal assistance
- Develops the ability to think and work independently
- Initiates, participates and communicates effectively when playing with peers
- Listens attentively during large and small group instruction
- Exhibits cooperation and compromise through work and play
- Responds positively to adult guidance
- Demonstrates leadership skills in classroom
- Shows self-control in a variety of settings
- Develops conflict-resolution skills
- Confident with peer relationships and stands up for own rights
- Displays natural curiosities about the world around us
- Utilizes verbal expression to communicate thoughts and feelings
- Expresses ideas in complete sentences
- Shows imagination and creativity in using classroom materials
- Follows three-step oral directions
- Repeats a sentence of 10 words
To promote Cognitive Development:
- Learns to work from left to right
- Able to recite personal information (name, address, birthday, etc.)
- Demonstrates an understanding of opposites
- Prints first and last name independently
- Recognizes differences and similarities in objects
- Able to sort/classify/match objects by color, size, shape, and other attributes
- Demonstrates an understanding of relative size (big, bigger, biggest)
- Performs simple measurements using classroom manipulatives
- Able to create and complete a pattern independently
- Demonstrates an understanding of calendar concepts
- Able to identify sets with more or less
- Able to identify at least 3 coins
- Counts to 100
- Counts at least 20 objects using one-to-one correspondence
- Able to identify the number that comes next in a sequence
- Able to print numerals using proper form (top to bottom)
- Develops an understanding of number operations (addition/subtraction)
Language Arts
- Recognizes upper and lowercase letters
- Able to identify and create rhyming words
- Retells a story in a sequence
- Identifies initial and ending consonant sounds in words
- Develops comprehension skills (listening and reading)
- Develops decoding skills to begin reading independently
- Able to print letters using proper form (top to bottom)
To promote Physical Development:
- Strengthens and refines gross and fine motor skills
- Exhibits large muscle coordination (runs, jumps, skips, gallops, climbs, hops, pumps on swing)
- Able to maintain balance when standing on one foot
- Able to throw and catch a large ball
- Holds writing instruments using a three-finger grasp
- Exhibits hand-dominance when writing and cutting
- Able to form smooth even lines when writing
- Can copy simple shapes independently
- Can cut simple shapes independently
- Shows the ability to button, snap, zip and tie
Typical Kindergarten Daily Schedule
- Arrival
- Morning Work
- Calendar/Math
- Literacy
- Bathroom Break
- Centers/Math
- Lunch
- Storytime/Reading
- Playground
- Dismissal