Christ Church Preschool & Kindergarten
In This Section
Two-Year-Old Program
Our Two-Year-Old program focuses on peer interaction and social development. Learning to separate from parents and play in a classroom environment is a wonderful accomplishment for this age group. Two-Year-Old classrooms encourage participation in group activities in order to enhance the development of social skills and independence. Classrooms are set up with imaginative play stations, which encourage students to interact with one another. Circle Time is introduced in our Two-Year-Old classes as teachers lead classes in songs, finger plays, stories, and other interactive activities relating to their thematic units. Two-Year-Olds participate in daily activities to further the development of self-help skills while creating a sense of pride and accomplishment. Colors, numbers and shapes are incorporated into the curriculum through classroom interactions, art projects, and seasonal thematic units. Two-Year-Old children continue to work on gross motor development by playing outside daily and participating in My Gym classes once a month. Two-Year-Olds also have fun with in-class music sessions, trips to the Learning Center for story time, and trips to the Science Lab for exploration.
Teacher/Student Ratios 2:8-10
Developmental Goals for Two-Year-Olds
To promote Christian values by encouraging sharing, confidence, independence, and kindness.
To surround children in a happy, loving and nurturing learning environment.
To promote Self-Help/Independent Behaviors:
- Washes hands independently
- Feeds his/herself independently
- Drinks from a cup independently
- Throws away trash after snack and lunch
- Helps to put toys away
- Attempts to carry personal belongings
To promote Social/Emotional & Language Development:
Learns to separate from parents
Comes to sit at the table when asked
Participates in classroom activities (blessing, prayer hands, songs, clean-up time)
Learns to communicate needs/wants through words and appropriate gestures
Speaks clearly enough for others to understand
Understands simple directions
Begins to use two or three words in combination
To promote Cognitive Development:
- Counts to 3
- Knows at least 3 primary colors
- Can identify body and facial parts
- Can identify objects in their environment
To promote Physical Development:
- Turns pages of a book independently
- Attempts to paint and color
- Able to stack blocks and play with a variety of toys
- Begins to walk up and down steps
- Jumps in place
- Walks with a group with assistance
Typical Two-Year-Old Daily Schedule
- Arrival/Hand-washing
- Art/Free Play
- Circle/Story-Time
- Snack
- Diapers/Potty
- Playground
- Lunch
- Free Play/Story-Time
- Clean-up/Dismissal