Children & Families
Jesus loves children and so do we.
Your child’s faith will be nurtured by caring adults and a community of friends.
Children and their families are precious to Christ Church, and our primary goal is to offer classes and events that are fun, nurture children’s faith, and equip parents in becoming spiritual leaders at home.
Our dedicated leaders and volunteers engage children in meaningful, safe activities that heighten their sense of wonder around their growing faith.
Whether you are looking for a Sunday School class, parenting events, or children’s programming like Vacation Bible School, you will find exciting and welcoming experiences to suit your family’s needs.
Sunday School
Building faith one story at a time
Christ Church has a strong tradition of offering a vibrant Sunday school program that encourages children to explore their faith in fun and meaningful ways.
Mid-September through mid-May at 10 am, we offer Sunday school for children in three-year-old through 5th grade classes.
Children ages three years (by August 31) through 5th grade are assigned to a Sunday school class for the program year. Children who are two years old by August 31 are offered Sunday school content while they are in our care in the nursery area.
A parent is required to be on site if a child is with us either in the nursery or Sunday school.
If you have not already completed the Medical and Image Consent form, please take a moment to fill out the form today.
Classroom Locations
Three-year-olds | L124
Four-year-olds | L123
Kindergartners | L118
1st Graders | U301
2nd Graders | U302
3rd Graders | U306
4th Graders | U303
5th Graders | U305
“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
– MATTHEW 19:14
Nursery Care
Nursery care is offered in the Nursery Suites (lower level of All Saints’ Hall L127 & L131) for children ages six weeks through four years old while parents are on-site during these times:
Fall/Winter/Spring Schedule (Mid-September to Mid-May)
Worship Services | 8:45 & 11:15 am
Sunday School Hour | 10 am
Summer Schedule (Memorial Day to Labor Day)
Sunday Worship Services | 8:30 & 10:30 am
Typical Sunday Morning Procedures
When you sign your child in, you will receive a numbered pager so we can reach you if needed. When checking in your child, please let us know if your child has any allergies or special needs.
Children will be released only to an adult with the corresponding pager number.
Staffing & Volunteers
All of our nursery caregivers are trained in CPR and Safe Church policies. Our staff and Nursery Committee of Christ Church parents work to ensure your child experiences a caring and nurturing environment. They can also answer questions regarding your child’s care or other aspects of Christ Church.
We are hiring! We need experienced, reliable, and punctual adults to provide age-appropriate care to children ages six weeks to four years old. We are also looking for parishioners to join our Nursery Committee.
To learn more or recommend someone for either of these roles, please contact Sarah Ford.
Birth of a Baby
If you have a new baby in your household, please contact Emily Skinner so we can add your child to our database and send you information about children’s and parents’ programs when the time is right. We’d also love to announce your exciting news in our In the Parish publication.
For great is God’s steadfast love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures for ever.
– Psalm 117:2
Christ Church Preschool & Kindergarten (CCK)
Enrichment programs broaden the children’s exposure to the greater world around them and enhance classroom experiences. Seasonal performances and special events help expand learning outside the classroom and build confidence in our children. Our curriculum, staff, and classroom environment inspire children to become life-long learners.
Special Programs & Events
Throughout the year we offer special programs, classes, groups, and events just for children and their families.
- These Are Our Bodies (Faith & Sexuality for 5th graders and parents)
- Good Friday Stations of the Cross
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Advent Festival
- Christmas Pageant
- Parish Days
- Choir Camp
Fellowship Events
Our Children’s Ministry Commission hosts a parish fellowship event at least once a semester to allow all ages to come together in their spiritual home to build relationships and community. Check back occasionally for new opportunities to join the fun!
Exceptional Parents of Exceptional Children (EPEC)
EPEC is a support group for parents of children with special needs, disabilities, learning differences, or developmental delays. The purpose of EPEC is to create a safe space for parents to discuss their experiences, share ideas, and provide spiritual, mental, and emotional support to each other. Learn more.
Kids’ Videos
Parent Resources
We believe that faith practiced as a family provides a steadfast base for children and teens
We want to equip, empower and engage families to be the church in the world. We do that by providing opportunities for families to come together to talk about their faith and help all members of the family find a place in their spiritual home.
Parenting with Love and Logic
This evidence-based program, taught by Wendy Petricoff, owner of Charlotte Parenting Solutions, offers practical tools and scripts to help build healthy parent/child relationships and lovingly guide children to become responsible, mostly-fun-to-be-around members of...
Table Talks Podcast
Table Talks is a great opportunity for families to dig into questions about faith together. In each episode, Lindsay Masi and Maggie Baker introduce a new topic or Bible story and pose relevant and thought-provoking questions. We invite families to listen and discuss...
Want to start the conversation about race with your children?
Begin by reading books written by African-American authors. Check out these links for suggestions: 20 Black Children’s Books by Black AuthorsThe Conscious Kid: Children’s Books to Support Conversations on Race, Racism, and ResistanceThis list from Black Children’s...
Children’s Ministry Volunteer Opportunities
Our children’s ministry requires the help of approximately 70 volunteers. From Sunday School leaders and floaters and Nursery Commitee, to Discovery Eucharist Altar Guild and ushers, generous volunteers make it possible.
See the opportunities below, or contact Sarah Ford for more information.
Children’s ChapelWeekly
Children’s Sunday SchoolWeekly
Vacation Bible SchoolDaily
1412 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207
Discovery Eucharist Christmas PageantRepeating Event
Children & Family Events
Children’s Sunday SchoolWeekly
Parenting with Love and LogicRepeating Event
Three Choir FestivalRepeating Event
Children & Families Ministry Staff
Elizabeth Walker
Associate Rector for Young Adults & Families walkere@christchurchcharlotte.orgElizabeth Walker
Originally from Norfolk, Elizabeth moved to Seattle after graduating from the University of Virginia. In the Pacific Northwest, Elizabeth was a middle school teacher, the Director of Christian Formation at Epiphany Parish, and an active co-op preschool parent and community member. Along with her husband Dave and their three children, she returned to the east coast in 2020 to attend The Virginia Theological Seminary. Christ Church is her first call to ordained ministry. Elizabeth's passion is relationships and pastoral care. She can be found sharing meals, on the soccer sidelines, and wherever she can traverse the highs and lows of life together with others.