Sunday Nursery Care
Nursery care is offered in the Nursery Suites (lower level of All Saints’ Hall) for children ages six weeks through four years old while parents are on-site during these times:
Fall/Winter/Spring Schedule (Mid-September to Mid-May)
Worship Services | 8:45 & 11:15 am
Sunday School Hour | 10 am
Summer Schedule (Memorial Day to Labor Day)
Sunday Worship Services | 8:30 & 10:30 am
We ask that families read our Nursery Protocols before coming to the Nursery.
Typical Sunday Morning Procedures
When you sign your child in, you will receive a numbered pager so we can reach you if needed. When checking in your child, please let us know if your child has any allergies or special needs. Children will be released only to an adult with the corresponding pager number.
Staffing & Volunteers
All of our nursery caregivers are trained in CPR and Safe Church policies. Our staff and Nursery Committee of Christ Church parents work to ensure your child experiences a caring and nurturing environment. They can also answer questions regarding your child’s care or other aspects of Christ Church.