The Good Book Beginning to End (Mondays)
Have you ever wanted to read the whole Bible? Not sure where to start? This year we will explore the story of God’s love from “In the beginning” to “a new heaven and a new earth.” Participants will receive a written guide with a daily reading plan and questions for reflection. In addition, there will be a weekly opportunity for fellowship and facilitated discussion in the Green Room or online. Register (no cost) using the link on this page, or contact Scottie Stamper for more information. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with God and with each other!
With the exception of holidays, we will meet on Mondays (1 – 2 pm), January 13 – June 9. After a summer break, we will resume on August 11 and meet through November 17. Please check the calendar for specific meeting dates.
This class is also offered on Tuesdays at 7:30 am. See details and register for the Tuesday class.