Vacation Bible School 2025

Emotion Lab: Discovering the Right Formula with God’s Help

How many emotions can one human experience in a day? Emotions can change rapidly and frequently…it’s nearly impossible to count. Some research shows that people can experience up to 400 emotions each day! And everyone expresses them differently.

Learning to manage our emotions is essential to our wellbeing, and just like discovering a formula, we all have to figure out what works best for ourselves and our emotions. VBS 2025 invites children, youth, families, and adults of all ages to concoct the right potion for our emotions with God as our guide!

We encourage parishioners of all ages to join us for our week together! Children who are four by 8/31/2025 through rising 5th graders for the 2025-2026 school year may attend VBS. Children who are six weeks old through three years old may attend Mini VBS Nursery Care. Youth who are entering 6th grade through college can volunteer to be teen helpers. All adult volunteers (21+) can serve in a variety of roles. Dropoff each day is at 9 am in All Saints’ Hall; pick up is at 12 pm in classrooms.

**Please note that we ask at least one parent from each registered family to serve in some sort of volunteer role.**

If your family is not a member of Christ Church, your child(ren) may still participate if a parent is on site volunteering with us all four days of VBS.

We hope you will join us for a preview of VBS at the 10:30 am worship service on Sunday, June 22.

Registration is now open! Register using the links below:
VBS Participant Registration Form

VBS Adult Volunteer Registration Form

VBS Teen Helper Registration Form


Monday, June 23


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Other Features

Current Highlights,
Ministry Page Feature,
Volunteer Opportunity


Christ Church
1412 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207


Sarah Ford

Other Organizers

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