Weekly Word Bible Study

This Weekly Word Bible Study is perfect for those new to Bible study or looking to deepen their understanding of biblical narratives. This Bible study follows the same stories as our children’s Sunday school, helping us to learn the bible across generations. Join us each Sunday in M204 to discuss the lesson and the scripture.

September 15: Please join the Rector’s Class in All Saints’ Hall

September 22: Isaac is Born and God Tests Abraham (Genesis 21:1-7; 22:1-19)
Join us this Sunday morning as we explore the miraculous birth of Isaac and the profound test of faith that Abraham faced. Discover the depth of God’s promises and the strength of unwavering trust. (led by Wayne Ballard, PhD)

September 29: Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:19-34; 27:1-45)
Dive into the captivating story of Jacob and Esau, twin brothers whose destinies were shaped by birthright and blessings. Learn about the complex family dynamics and God’s plan unfolding through their lives. (led by Wayne Ballard, PhD)

October 6: Jacob Meets Angels (Genesis 28:10-22; 32:1-22; 32:23-33; 33:1-20)
Experience Jacob’s divine encounters as he meets angels on his journey. This week, we’ll discuss his transformative experiences and the powerful messages of reconciliation and faith that come with them. (led by The Reverend Elizabeth Walker)

October 13: Joseph’s Story (Genesis 37; 39; 40-41)
Discover the inspiring journey of Joseph, from being sold into slavery to becoming a ruler in Egypt. We’ll explore themes of resilience, forgiveness, and God’s providence through his trials and triumphs. (led by Wayne Ballard, PhD)

October 20: Please join Faith Forum in All Saints’ Hall

October 27: Moses, Agent of Deliverance (Exodus 3:1-4:17)
Join us to learn about Moses, called by God to lead the Israelites out of bondage. We’ll delve into his encounter with the burning bush and his mission to deliver God’s people, highlighting courage and obedience. (led by Wayne Ballard, PhD)

November 3: Gideon, from Doubt to Faith (Judges 6:1-7:22)
This Sunday, explore the story of Gideon, an unlikely hero chosen by God to save Israel from oppression. We’ll discuss his journey from doubt to faith and the miraculous victories that ensued. (led by The Reverend Connor Gwin)

November 10: Samson, Strength and Struggles (Judges 13-16)
We explore the life of one of Israel’s most intriguing judges, examining his extraordinary strength, personal struggles, and complex relationship with God. Discover what his story reveals about divine purpose and human weakness. (led by Wayne Ballard, PhD)

November 17: Waiting on God (Daniel 12:1-3; Joel 3:14-16; Malachi 3:1-2; Mark 13:1-8; 14-27; Luke 3:1-18)
Patience and perseverance are key themes as we delve into the prophetic messages of Daniel, Joel, Malachi, Mark, and Luke. This week, we’ll reflect on the anticipation of God’s intervention and the significance of being prepared for His coming promises. (led by The Reverend Allen Pruitt)

November 24: John the Baptist (Luke 3:2-18)
Come learn about John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, whose powerful message of repentance prepared the way for the Messiah. We’ll discuss his mission, his message, and his role in the unfolding of God’s plan. 

