Weekly Word Bible Study
The Weekly Word Bible Study is perfect for those new to Bible study or looking to deepen their understanding of biblical narratives. This Bible study follows the same stories as our children’s Sunday school, helping us to learn the bible across generations. Join us each Sunday in M204 to discuss the lesson and the scripture.
January 5: Today, please join the Basics of Faith class in the Green Room or the Faith Forum in All Saints’ Hall.
January 12: The First People in Jesus’ Ministry
This week, join us as we explore the calling of Jesus’ earliest disciples and what it means for us to be called by God. We’ll reflect on John’s testimony and the invitation to follow, discovering how their journey resonates with our own sense of purpose and response to God’s call. (John 1:19-51)
January 19: Jesus Shows His Power
Discover the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry through His first signs and actions. We’ll discuss the miracle at Cana and the powerful message in the temple, reflecting on how these moments revealed His purpose and authority. (John 2:1-22)
January 26: Nicodemus Pays a Secret Visit
Join us as we delve into the nighttime conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus. Through their exchange, we’ll uncover the profound meaning of rebirth and eternal life, and how Jesus’ words continue to resonate with seekers today. (John 3:1-17)
February 2: The Woman at the Well Spreads the Word
This Sunday, explore the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. We’ll discuss how this transformative meeting led her to share the good news, and what it teaches us about our own role in spreading God’s word. (John 4:1-42)
February 9: Jesus Heals the Sick
Join us as we delve into the healing power of Jesus, who brought hope and restoration to the sick. We’ll reflect on His acts of compassion and what they reveal about God’s love and care for us today. (John 4 & 5)
February 16: People See Signs and Miracles
This week, witness the wonders Jesus performed as He fed the multitudes and walked on water. We’ll consider how these signs pointed to His divinity and what it means to recognize God’s presence in our lives. (John 6)
February 23: Who Does Jesus Say He Is?
Come explore the “I Am” statements of Jesus as He reveals His identity to the people. We’ll discuss how these powerful declarations speak to His relationship with us and deepen our understanding of His role in our lives. (John 6:32-58; 7:28-32)
March 2: The Crowds Turn Against Jesus
This Sunday, join us to examine a turning point in Jesus’ ministry when the crowds began to question and oppose Him. We’ll reflect on the challenges of staying faithful and what it means to follow Jesus even in difficult times. (John 8)
March 9: The Man Born Blind
This Sunday, join us to examine a turning point in Jesus’ ministry when the crowds began to question and oppose Him. We’ll reflect on the challenges of staying faithful and what it means to follow Jesus even in difficult times. (John 9)
March 16: Jesus’ Ministry Draws to a Close
As Jesus approaches the end of His earthly ministry, we’ll explore the pivotal events in John 12, from Mary’s act of devotion to the triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Join us this Sunday as we reflect on themes of sacrifice, fulfillment of prophecy, and the call to follow, preparing our hearts for the final steps of Jesus’ journey. (John 12)
March 23: The Last Supper
Join us this Sunday as we reflect on the Last Supper, where Jesus shared a final meal with His disciples and demonstrated servant leadership through washing their feet. We’ll explore themes of love, humility, and the powerful commandment to love one another. (John 13)
March 30: Jesus’ Arrest, Trial, and Death
This week, journey with us through the events leading to Jesus’ crucifixion. We’ll consider His arrest, trial, and the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, reflecting on the depth of His love and the meaning of redemption. (John 18:1-19:42)
April 6: Jesus Is Alive!
Come celebrate the joy and hope of the resurrection! This Sunday, we’ll explore the discovery of the empty tomb and Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Jesus, contemplating what it means to live in the light of His victory over death. (John 20:1-18)
April 27: The Risen Jesus Comes to Dinner
This week, witness the risen Jesus appearing to His disciples, bringing peace and reassurance. We’ll discuss Thomas’s doubts, the gift of faith, and the joy of knowing Christ’s presence among us even today. (John 20:19-31)
May 4: Peter: From Fisherman to Saint
Join us as we follow Peter’s transformation from fisherman to powerful witness of the gospel. We’ll reflect on his journey, including his failures, and how God continued to work through him to bring healing and hope. Together, we’ll explore themes of faith, calling, and the incredible journey God invites each of us to take. (Acts 3:1-10)