
We were created to give.

Annual Stewardship Campaign
Annual giving opens the doors to our spiritual home by funding over 98% of our annual operating budget. The stewardship campaign begins each fall and continues into February when the Vestry votes on the budget. Each household is invited to make a pledge, to be fulfilled through financial gifts in the coming year.
Download What is a Pledge? Info Sheet
Make A Pledge
Ways to Give
There are a variety of methods for giving to Christ Church, including cash, check, automatic draft, in-app giving, text-to-give, online payments, stocks, and more.
Online Payments
You may make a one-time payment or schedule recurring payments. Signing in is NOT required, but allows you to create a secure account through which you can set up recurring payments, schedule future payments, and manage your own transactions. Your profile information will be stored securely for online registration and payment forms in the future. Give online here.
Christ Church App
Giving is now even easier with the Christ Church Charlotte app. Tap the Giving icon in the menu, and follow the prompts. After the first gift, no further set-up is required. Just tap and give! You can also schedule recurring gifts, view your history, and edit your account details in the app.
Text to Give
1. Text: Send a text to 833-227-4930. Include the amount you wish to give, one space after the amount, and the code for your gift designation:
Current – Current year operating budget (Texts with no code will default to this fund)
Hearts – Transforming Hearts Capital Campaign
Future – Future year operating budget
2. Register: (first time only) You will receive a registration link. Click the link and enter your contact and payment information. Tap “Process.”
3. Verify: After registration is complete, you will receive a verification text as well as a receipt via email.
4. Repeat: For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give and it will process automatically. If you wish to give to a fund other than the current year operating budget, please include a space after the amount and one of the codes above.
Automatic Bank Draft
If you prefer to have your bank account drafted monthly, you may complete this form online. If you would like a printed form, please contact the Finance Office at 704-333-0378. A new form must be submitted annually.
Online User Accounts
Christ Church is pleased to offer convenient online registration and payment for many events and giving opportunities. You may create or manage your account here.
Checks may be mailed to:
Christ Church
Attn: Finance Office
1412 Providence Road
Charlotte, NC 28207
Gifts of Stock
Please call Jennifer Stewart at 704-714-6949 if you are planning to give a stock gift. She will need the following information:
- Your name
- Name of the stock
- Number of shares you are donating
- Allocation of the gift
Please do not rely on your broker to provide this critical donor information.
We encourage all parishioners who desire to donate stock to use one of the following brokers:
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management | Account no. 7RU02019, DTC #8862
Morgan Stanley | Account no. 767-116185
Raymond James | Account no. 27969534
Schwab | Account no. 7119-2731
UBS | Account no. C13510 W1
Vanguard | Account no. 13590587
Wells Fargo Advisors | Account no. 2142-7440, DTC #0141
Tax Information
IRS regulations require that deductions for charitable contributions be claimed in the year the gift is received.
Please mail or deliver your gift (including stock gifts) to Christ Episcopal Church so that it will be received on or before December 31.
Gifts received after December 31 will be recorded in the year received, unless they are received by mail and postmarked by December 31 of the prior year.
I will not sacrifice to God that which costs me nothing.
– 2 Samuel 24:24
Christ Church Foundation
The Christ Church Foundation (CCF) is a permanent endowment which allocates resources to specific purposes, including property, plant and equipment, outreach, scholarships, and clergy housing.
Download All About CCF Info Sheet
View CCF Grant Recipients

Planned Giving
Download What is Planned Giving? Info Sheet
Oak Circle
Oak Circle provides the opportunity to make a planned gift to Christ Church. It ensures that the mission and ministries of Christ Church continue for generations to come.
If you intend to include Christ Church in your legacy planning or have already done so, please complete this form online or download a printed form and return to the Generosity and Stewardship Office so that we may acknowledge your generosity and include you in Oak Circle celebrations.
Download Oak Circle Brochure
Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Memorials & Honoraria
A gift to Christ Church is an excellent way to honor a faith-filled life
Easter Memorials
A beautiful Christ Church tradition, we adorn our spiritual home with Easter lilies given in loving memory or thanksgiving for special people in our lives.
Make your gift online here by April 8.
Gifts of any amount can be made in memory or honor of loved ones at any time of year. We will gratefully acknowledge your thoughtful donation by notifying the person or family member you designate (no gift amount is disclosed).
Memorial and honorary gifts to Christ Church are used to improve and maintain the entire Church campus, including the buildings and surrounding gardens, and sacramental items.
Altar flowers are another way to remember someone who has died or to honor an occasion of celebration. Altar flower gifts are recognized in the bulletin on the weekend of their placement. Contact the Church office to arrange a gift of altar flowers.
Many people choose to include Christ Church as a recipient of memorial gifts at the time of death. For additional details, or specific obituary wording, please contact the Generosity & Stewardship Office.
Staff Contacts

Natalie Akin
Director of Generosity and Stewardship

Amy Martin
Director of Annual Giving

Paulette Wilkes
Project Coordinator/Administrative Assistant for Stewardship
Paulette Wilkes

Jennifer Stewart
Business Manager