About Our Services

Worship is at the heart of our life together.
We offer worship services throughout the week in a variety of styles.
Regular Sunday Schedule
Mid-September through Mid-May
Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
8:45 am, 11:15 am, 5 pm | Church
This service includes scripture, prayers, a sermon, communion, and music. Congregational hymns are traditional and the Christ Church Choir and Choristers (children) offer a broad range of choral music.
The evening Eucharist uses diverse musical styles such as Taize, contemporary songs, gospel music, and well-known hymns within an informal and casual ethos to offer a contemplative and intimate experience of worship.
Contemporary Eucharist (Rite II)
8:45 am | All Saints’ Hall
This casual and relaxed service offers time for prayer and meditation, congregational singing, exploration of scripture, and communion. The music includes various styles of contemporary Christian songs led by our worship team.
Discovery Eucharist (Rite II)
11:15 am | All Saints’ Hall
For young children and families, this service is a modified, slightly abbreviated Holy Eucharist. Music is child-friendly, with both traditional and contemporary songs. A mix of parents, grandparents, and children offer joyful praise in this welcoming environment. If your child would like to serve as a Young Minister with a special role during the service, sign up here.
Children’s Chapel & Nursery
Most Sundays during the 8:45 am services, Children’s Chapel is offered for children age 3 and up. Children begin worship with their parents, and are led out for their own special worship experience at a designated time during the service.
Crib and nursery service is provided from 8:30 am – 12:15 pm (or end of service).
Sunday School for All Ages
10:00 am
Children age 3 and up have assigned classrooms. Ask a greeter if you need help finding the right room for your child.
For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord.

Weekday Schedule
Holy Eucharist and Prayers for Healing in the Chapel
Wednesdays | 12 pm
All are invited to offer prayers for healing, receive communion, and if desired, to be anointed with healing oil.
Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
Thursdays | 7 am
Directly followed by a Bible study for all in M207.
Special Services
Worship with us on christmas Eve, Easter, and other Holy Days
Advent is a season of preparation for Christmas. It begins four Sundays before Christmas. More Info
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (December 24 & 25) we hold Eucharist services at 3 pm, 5 pm, 8 pm, and 10:30 pm. More Info
Ash Wednesday & Lent
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a season of reflection that prepares our hearts for the resurrection. It begins 40 days before Easter. More Info
Holy Week & Easter
During Holy Week we remember Jesus' final days before the festive celebration of his triumphant resurrection on Easter Day. More Info
Parish Days
We begin and end our program year in September and May with a festive Eucharist in All Saints' Hall. More Info
The Well
Offered seasonally, this special worship experience in the Church includes music, prayers for healing, and time for contemplation and reflection. More Info
Confirmation is the laying on of hands by an Episcopal Bishop in a service of worship. The annual confirmation service with one of our Bishops usually takes place in the late spring or early summer. More Info
All Saints’ Day
On All Saints' Day, November 1, we remember those who have joined the saints in heaven. More Info

Summer Sunday Schedule
Mid-May through Mid-September
Holy Eucharist (Rite II)
Every Sunday
Through August 31
8:30 & 10:30 am | Church & Online
5 pm | Church
Children’s Chapel
1st & 3rd Sundays Only
10:30 am (during Holy Eucharist)
Contemporary/Discovery Blended Worship
2nd & 4th Sundays Only
10:30 am | All Saints' Hall & Online
These services will feature a blend of our contemporary and Discovery worship styles.
Special Sundays
Sunday, May 18
Spring Parish Day
Festive Eucharist (followed by lunch & activities)
10 am | All Saints' Hall & Online
Sunday, September 7
Fall Parish Day
Festive Eucharist (followed by buffet and activities on the lawn)
10 am | All Saints' Hall & Online
Sunday Fundays
2nd & 4th Sundays following the 10:30 services
Lunch and fun activities on the lawn. More Info
Lemonade on the Lawn
1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays following the 10:30 services