Rama Road Partnership Info Session

Rama Road Partnership Info Session

Want to learn more about our partnership with Rama Road Elementary and the ways that you can support their students, families, staff and faculty? Come to an informational session to learn about the many in-person and in-kind (e.g. supply drives) opportunities to...
Social Together

Social Together

Social Together is a group that was formed when a parishioner became widowed and wanted the companionship and support of other people in a similar stage of life. This group offers fellowship and support for widows and widowers and other single people (divorced or...
Education for Ministry (EfM)

Education for Ministry (EfM)

Every baptized person is called to ministry, but often we face the difficult and subtle task of interpreting the richness of the church’s faith in a complex and confusing world. Education for Ministry (EfM) is Bible study and theological reflection group designed to...
Education for Ministry (EfM)

Body Builders (Building up the Body of Christ)

Through articles, world events, poetry, essays, book excerpts and scripture, this group meets on Monday to connect our faith to everyday living and build up the body of Christ among us. We learn, laugh, and pray together, too. Casual, no homework, come when you can....