Reflecting on God’s Love

Reflecting on God’s Love

Cultivating faith that gets us through our hardest times means learning to trust in the love of God. Led by The Reverend Allen Pruitt and EFM mentors Natalie Akin, Tere Ey, Virginia Anderson, and Jenny Beaumont, we will learn to see God at work in our lives by...
Finger Knitting Fun: A Family Connection Class

Finger Knitting Fun: A Family Connection Class

Join us for a special Sunday School class to explore the art of finger knitting! This hands-on, creative experience is a wonderful way for parents and children to bond while learning this soothing skill that promotes emotional regulation, stress reduction, and...
Clergy Class Series: The Practices of Faith

Clergy Class Series: The Practices of Faith

This Lent, join us for a series of clergy classes on practices of faith. Each session will explore a different aspect of the Christian life – Prayer, Forgiveness, Sabbath Rest, and Gifts for Ministry. We’ll explore what scripture, the Book of Common Prayer, and...
Yoga for the Spirit Lenten Practice

Yoga for the Spirit Lenten Practice

As Easter approaches and our bodies, minds, and heartstrings are pulled in many directions, parishioner Joyce Cmiel will offer a peaceful, calming, and grounding yoga practice for the season of Lent. All levels of yoga are welcome and can participate onsite or online....
Lenten Quiet Day

Lenten Quiet Day

Join The Reverend Connor Gwin for a half-day retreat with time for prayer, journaling, and silence as we prepare to walk through Holy Week and experience the resurrection of Jesus Christ once again. Registration is required. The registration fee of $25 will cover...