The Good Book Beginning to End (Mondays)

The Good Book Beginning to End (Mondays)

Have you ever wanted to read the whole Bible? Not sure where to start? This year we will explore the story of God’s love from “In the beginning” to “a new heaven and a new earth.” Participants will receive a written guide with a daily reading...
Faith Forum: The Emotional Life of Teenagers

Faith Forum: The Emotional Life of Teenagers

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity! Lisa Damour, psychologist and author of The Emotional Lives of Teenagers and two other New York Times bestselling novels, will join us for a special Faith Forum. The Reverend Elizabeth Walker will facilitate the conversation...
Handbells & Candy Canes

Handbells & Candy Canes

Come for an afternoon of handbells and holiday cheer as the Charlotte Bronze Handbell Ensemble gets us in the Christmas Spirit. This ensemble is the largest community handbell group in the Piedmont, and this is their first visit to Christ Church. Admission is free and...
Yoga for the Spirit Advent Practice

Yoga for the Spirit Advent Practice

As Christmas approached and our bodies, minds, and heartstrings are pulled in many directions, parishioner Joyce Cmiel will offer a peaceful, calming, and grounding yoga practice on Wednesdays at 10 am for the season of Advent. All levels of yoga are welcome, and can...