Parish Day Nursery Care

Parish Day Nursery Care

Nursery care is offered in the Nursery Suites (lower level of All Saints’ Hall) for children ages six weeks through four years old while parents are onsite during these times: Sunday Morning Procedures When you sign your child in, you will receive a numbered...
Discovery Eucharist

Discovery Eucharist

For young children and families, this service is a modified, slightly abbreviated Holy Eucharist. Music is child-friendly, with both traditional and contemporary songs. A mix of parents, grandparents, and children offer joyful praise in this welcoming environment. If...
Contemporary Eucharist

Contemporary Eucharist

The Contemporary Eucharist is a Rite II liturgy from The Book of Common Prayer, combined with music led by the Christ Church band in the relaxed atmosphere of All Saints’ Hall. Click the link to view the livestream.