Men’s Ministry Kickoff

Men’s Ministry Kickoff

Kick off the year with your friends from Christ Church! We’ll share cold drinks, hot wings ($10), and Panther’s football from 3:30-5 pm on Sunday, September 22. Learn about plans for the coming year in Men’s Ministry and, more importantly, catch up with old friends...
Men’s BIG Breakfast | November 6

Men’s BIG Breakfast | November 6

How Do We Become Unifiers?  Division is not a foregone conclusion. God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. Join Craig Cmiel and Allen Pruitt for a conversation about how we can be leaders, helping our community to be united in love. Men of all ages are...
Stronger Together Men’s Groups

Stronger Together Men’s Groups

Life is full of joys and challenges. The joys are more wonderful, and the challenges are easier to face when we are together. Men’s Ministry is coordinating small Stronger Together Men’s Groups for those who are interested in fellowship and encouragement. We will...
Happy Hearts Men’s Bible Study

Happy Hearts Men’s Bible Study

This covenant men’s Bible study group meets on Thursdays year-round (7:30 – 8:30 am) in M206. If you are interested in joining a men’s small group, contact Allen Pruitt (704-714-6940) and ask about the men’s Stronger Together groups.