Finger Knitting Fun: A Family Connection Class

Finger Knitting Fun: A Family Connection Class

Join us for a special Sunday School class to explore the art of finger knitting! This hands-on, creative experience is a wonderful way for parents and children to bond while learning this soothing skill that promotes emotional regulation, stress reduction, and...
Finger Knitting Fun: A Family Connection Class

Parenting with Love and Logic

This evidence-based program, taught by Wendy Petricoff, owner of Charlotte Parenting Solutions, offers practical tools and scripts to help build healthy parent/child relationships and lovingly guide children to become responsible, mostly-fun-to-be-around members of...

Christ Church Kindergarten Open House

This parent tour is specifically for parents who are interested only in the Kindergarten Program. CCK teaches a comprehensive curriculum and uses differentiated instruction to prepare students to advance to Kindergarten or First Grade in both the public and...