Christmas Pageant Practice: 4-year-olds through 2nd Grade

Christmas Eve Nursery Care

Nursery Care will be offered for children ages six weeks through four years old during the 3 pm and 5 pm Christmas Eve services. Registration is not required. Children can be dropped off for 3 pm services beginning at 2:30 pm. Adults should sign in their child(ren) on...
Discovery Eucharist Christmas Pageant

Discovery Eucharist Christmas Pageant

Children will present the nativity story during this very special Discovery Eucharist. CHILDREN All children currently in four-year-old through 3rd grade Sunday School classes may participate. Registration (required) opens November 1 at 9 am and firmly closes on...
Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is coming soon and we’re looking forward to the annual Easter Egg Hunt! Children will proceed directly from the 11:15 am worship services to hunt eggs, so please bring basket(s) to the service. If you have child(ren) planning to participate, drop off two dozen...
Sunday Nursery Care

Sunday Nursery Care

Nursery care is offered in the Nursery Suites (lower level of All Saints’ Hall) for children ages six weeks through four years old while parents are on-site during these times: Fall/Winter/Spring Schedule (Mid-September to Mid-May) Worship Services | 8:45 &...