Education for Ministry (EfM) Wednesdays

Education for Ministry (EfM) Wednesdays

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a Bible study and theological reflection group that connects the study of scripture with our real lives. EfM has a rich history at Christ Church, and currently has two active groups, including four trained mentors. Participants commit...
Education for Ministry (EfM) Wednesdays

Body Builders (Building up the Body of Christ)

Through articles, world events, poetry, essays, book excerpts and scripture, this group meetings on Monday to connect our faith to everyday living and build up the body of Christ among us. We learn, laugh, and pray together, too. Casual, no homework, come when you...
Contemporary Eucharist

Contemporary Eucharist

The Contemporary Eucharist is a Rite II liturgy from The Book of Common Prayer, combined with music led by the Christ Church band in the relaxed atmosphere of All Saints’ Hall. Click the link to view the livestream.
Education for Ministry (EfM) Wednesdays

Education for Ministry (EfM) Fridays

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a Bible study and theological reflection group that connects the study of scripture with our real lives. EfM has a rich history at Christ Church, and currently has two active groups, including four trained mentors. Participants commit...