Middle School Sunday School

Middle School Sunday School

On Sunday mornings at 10 am, all 6th – 8th grade students are invited to Sunday School in St. Francis C. Each week, we will study a different story from the Bible to better understand how it fits into their life, all while enjoying donuts!

High School Life Group

Join us for Life Group, a space where high school students gather for honest, meaningful conversations about faith, life, and the ways they intersect every day. We meet on Wednesdays from 7:00–8:30 PM at rotating locations, including Christ Church and...
Wednesday Dinner Buffet

Wednesday Dinner Buffet

$12 adults; $10 seniors; $8 children ages 4 – 12; children 3 and under free, $45 family maximum. Credit and debit cards accepted. No reservations needed. We also need VOLUNTEERS! Anyone 14 and above can help as a cashier or in the kitchen. Cashiers take money...
Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat

Get ready for our annual Trunk or Treat! We will enjoy a spooky nugget and mac-n-cheese supper with a craft activity, then parade around the circle and through the parking lot, where kids will “trunk or treat” among parishioners’ Bible-themed (or Halloween-adorned)...
Fall Parish Day

Fall Parish Day

Come join us for food, fellowship, and fun as we celebrate our lively parish and the start of fall programming. We’ll enjoy a delicious buffet lunch from Chef Andrea, live bluegrass music, and lots of fun activities for the kids! If you would like to volunteer,...